Personal Immigration

A Comprehensive Approach

UK Settlement for Entrepreneurs

Self Sponsorship Visa

Fast Track Consultancy specialises in facilitating the Self Sponsorship Visa process, perfect for entrepreneurs aiming to establish or manage their businesses in the UK.

Our comprehensive service includes developing a solid business plan, assessing eligibility, handling the visa application process, and offering legal advice to ensure compliance with UK regulations. We also provide invaluable post-arrival support, aiding local business integration and networking to ensure your visa success and business prosperity in the UK.

Sole Business Repretor of Foreign Business Visa

Fast Track Consultancy expertly guides foreign businesses through obtaining the Sole Representative of an Overseas Business Visa.

This service is ideal for companies expanding their operations into the UK market. We assist in every step, from eligibility assessment to visa application, ensuring your business representative meets all UK regulations for a successful entry. Our support continues post-arrival,
helping your representative settle in the UK and establish your business presence effectively.

Unite Families in the UK

Spouse Visa

At Fast Track Consultancy, we provide dedicated assistance for obtaining a Spouse Visa, ensuring partners can join their loved ones in the UK.

Our service covers everything from initial eligibility assessment to application submission, focusing on compiling a robust case, including proof of relationship and financial stability. We guide clients through the complexities of the process, offering support at every step for a successful reunion in the UK.

Spouse Visa Extensions

Fast Track Consultancy offers expert assistance in Spouse Visa Extensions, ensuring a smooth and worry-free process for couples wishing to extend their stay together in the UK.

We handle everything from reviewing your current status to preparing and submitting the necessary documentation, focusing on compliance with the latest UK immigration regulations. We aim to provide seamless support, ensuring our clients’ uninterrupted residency and peace of mind.

Same-sex partner Visa

Fast Track Consultancy offers specialised services for obtaining a Same-Sex Partner Visa, facilitating couples' journey to live together in the UK.

We understand the unique challenges and provide tailored assistance, from eligibility assessment to compiling a comprehensive application, ensuring it meets all UK immigration requirements. Our support is designed to navigate you through this process with sensitivity and expertise for a successful and stress-free experience.

Civil Partnership Visa

Fast Track Consultancy provides expert assistance for Civil Partnership Visas, helping partners navigate the complexities of UK immigration to start their life together.

Our service includes a thorough assessment of eligibility, detailed guidance on documentation, and handling the entire application process with care and precision. We aim to simplify the journey, ensuring a smooth path to obtaining your visa and uniting with your partner in the UK.

Talent Opportunities in the UK

Global Talent Visa

Fast Track Consultancy specialises in the Global Talent Visa, designed for individuals who are leaders or emerging leaders in specific fields looking to work in the UK.

Our comprehensive service assists with eligibility assessment, endorsement guidance, and meticulous application handling. We support clients from diverse sectors, ensuring their talents are recognised, and the visa process is seamless and successful.

Permanent Visa for Exceptionally Talented Individuals

At Fast Track Consultancy, we offer specialised services for individuals seeking a Permanent Visa under the "Exceptionally Talented Individuals" category.

This visa is tailored for top-tier professionals recognised as leaders in their respective fields. Our expert team assists in the entire process, from assessing eligibility criteria to preparing a compelling application, ensuring that your exceptional skills and achievements are appropriately highlighted for a successful outcome. We guide you through every step, simplifying the complexities of UK immigration to secure your permanent residency.

Skilled Workers Opportunities in the UK

Skilled Workers Job Visa

Fast Track Consultancy provides expert guidance for Skilled Worker Visas, catering to professionals who wish to work in the UK. Our comprehensive service includes assessing eligibility, job offer requirements, and sponsorship details.

We manage the entire application process, ensuring a smooth transition for individuals seeking to bring their skills and expertise to the UK job market. We aim to facilitate a hassle-free visa experience, paving the way for a successful career in the UK.

Permanent Residency in the UK

Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) for Family Visa

Fast Track Consultancy offers specialised assistance in securing Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) for those on a Family Visa in the UK.

Our service includes a detailed assessment of eligibility criteria, guidance on meeting the continuous residence requirement, and support in preparing a comprehensive application. We aim to make the transition to permanent residency seamless, ensuring families can settle in the UK with security and peace of mind.

Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) 10-year route

Fast Track Consultancy provides expert guidance for the 10-year route to Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) in the UK.

This service is tailored for individuals who have resided in the UK for a decade under various visas or permissions. We assist with eligibility assessment, documentation preparation, and navigating the complexities of the application process. We aim to streamline your journey towards permanent residency, ensuring a smooth and successful transition after your long-term commitment to living in the UK.

British Citizenship

British citizenship application

Fast Track Consultancy offers specialised support for British Citizenship applications, guiding clients through the intricate process of becoming a UK citizen.

Our service includes comprehensive assistance with eligibility criteria, preparation of necessary documentation, and advice on the Life in the UK test and English language requirements. We aim to make the application process straightforward and stress-free, helping clients fulfil their aspirations of becoming British citizens.

British citizenship for EU / EEA citizens

Fast Track Consultancy specialises in assisting EU/EEA citizens with their British Citizenship applications post-Brexit.

Our dedicated service includes thorough guidance on the new immigration rules, eligibility assessment, and comprehensive support for compiling the required documentation. We aim to make the transition to British Citizenship as smooth as possible, ensuring EU/EEA citizens can continue to enjoy the benefits of living and working in the UK.

Naturalisation as a British citizen

Fast Track Consultancy is your trusted partner for Naturalisation as a British Citizen.

Our comprehensive service includes eligibility assessment, document preparation, and expert guidance throughout the application process. We ensure that you meet all requirements, from residency and language proficiency to good character, making your journey to becoming a British citizen as smooth and successful as possible.

UK Exploration

Standard Visitors Visa

Fast Track Consultancy specialises in assisting individuals in obtaining a Standard Visitor Visa for the UK.

Our service encompasses eligibility assessment, document preparation, and guidance on the application process. We aim to simplify the visa application journey, ensuring a hassle-free experience for those visiting the UK for tourism, business, or other permitted purposes.

Business Visitors Visa

Fast Track Consultancy is your partner for obtaining a Business Visitor Visa for the UK.

We provide expert guidance and support throughout the application process, including eligibility assessment and document preparation. Whether you visit the UK for meetings, conferences, or other business-related activities, our goal is to streamline the visa application, ensuring a seamless entry for your

Visitor Visa for medical purposes

Fast Track Consultancy offers specialised assistance for obtaining a Visitor Visa for Medical Purposes in the UK.

Our dedicated service includes assessing eligibility, preparing documentation related to medical treatment, and navigating the visa application process. We understand the urgency and importance of medical visits, and our goal is to ensure a swift and hassle-free process, allowing individuals to receive necessary medical care in the UK.