Business Immigration

A Comprehensive Approach

Self-Sponsorship Visa

If you wish to set up a business in the UK or expand your overseas business, self-sponsorship is the ideal way to work and live in the UK. It is important to note that there is no official visa called the ‘Self Sponsorship Visa’ but rather a route to enter the UK under the Skilled Worker Visa category.

The Self Sponsorship Visa will allow you (with the help of a UK resident Director) to set up a UK Company that will then Sponsor you to come and work in the UK. Unlike the Innovator Visa, no minimum investment is required into the Business, and you can hold shares there.

This Visa route is ideal for experienced business people or someone who has explored the UK business space and found an opportunity to set up a new business here in the UK. You must obtain a Sponsor Licence allowing the Company to sponsor you.

Company Formation

Formation of a Company: "Expert guidance on establishing your business in the UK, handling legal setup, registration processes, and ensuring compliance for a smooth start."

This description highlights the critical aspects of company formation, emphasising your firm’s expertise and comprehensive support.

Investment guidance

Navigate the UK investment landscape with our tailored advice

We provide insights and strategies for profitable investments, ensuring compliance with local regulations. We offer personalised investment advice, emphasising profitability and adherence to UK laws.

Accounting and Financial Guidance

Comprehensive financial solutions for your UK venture,

including accounting, tax planning, and fiscal management to optimise your financial health and compliance.”

Sponsorship License Application

Streamlined assistance in obtaining a UK Sponsorship License, facilitating your ability to hire foreign talent.

We guide you through the application process, compliance requirements, and ongoing management of sponsorship duties.

Sponsoring Proprietor Visa

Expert support in securing a Proprietor Visa for UK business owners.

We navigate the complexities of visa application, ensuring eligibility and compliance for a successful immigration process.”

Innovator Founder Visa In UK Mainland

The Innovator Founder Visa in UK Mainland category is a pivotal service offered by Fast Track Consultancy, catering specifically to entrepreneurs who aspire to establish a business in the UK.

This visa is designed for non-EEA nationals with an innovative, viable, and scalable business idea. Our service in this category includes

Personalised Assessment

We begin with a thorough assessment of your business idea,

ensuring it meets the unique criteria for the Innovator Visa, including innovation, viability, and scalability.

Business Plan Development

Our team assists in crafting a comprehensive and robust business plan,

crucial for the visa application. This includes market analysis, financial projections, and a clear growth strategy.

Endorsement Navigation

The Innovator Visa requires an endorsement from an approved UK body.

We guide you through obtaining this endorsement, leveraging our network and expertise.

Application and Compliance Support

We manage the application process, ensuring all documentation is accurately prepared and submitted.

Our team also advises on compliance with visa conditions, including investment requirements and business development milestones


Once in the UK, we provide ongoing support to ensure your business thrives, offering guidance on local business practices, additional funding avenues, and networking opportunities.

This comprehensive approach ensures the successful acquisition of the Innovator Founder Visa and a solid foundation for the sustainable growth of your business in the UK.

Startup Visa and Innovator Visa in Isle Of Man

Fast Track Consultancy offers specialised services for obtaining the Startup Visa and Innovator Visa in the Isle of Man.

These visas cater to entrepreneurs and innovators who wish to start or grow their businesses on the Isle of Man, a jurisdiction known for its favourable business environment and unique opportunities.

Startup Visa

The Startup Visa is ideal for early-stage entrepreneurs.
Our services include:

  • Eligibility Assessment: We evaluate your business idea against the Isle of Man’s criteria, focusing on innovation, viability, and potential for growth.
  • Business Plan Support: Assistance in developing a detailed business plan that meets the specific requirements of the Isle of Man’s immigration
  • Application Process Guidance: Comprehensive support throughout the application process, including documentation preparation and
  • Settlement Assistance: Once you arrive in the Isle of Man, we guide you in settling in, including local networking and integration into the business

Innovator Visa

The Innovator Visa is suited for more experienced entrepreneurs. Our services encompass:

  • In-Depth Business Evaluation: We thoroughly analyse your business proposition, ensuring it aligns with the Isle of Man’s strategic interests and
  • Endorsement Navigation: Guidance on obtaining an endorsement from a designated Isle of Man body is a crucial step in the visa
  • Comprehensive Application Assistance: Expert handling of the entire application procedure, ensuring compliance with all regulatory
  • Ongoing Business Development Support: Continuous advice and support for your business venture, including regulatory compliance, growth strategies, and local networking


Sponsorship License

Fast Track Consultancy specialises in securing and managing Sponsorship Licenses for UK businesses eager to tap into global talent. Our service begins with a detailed eligibility assessment, ensuring your business meets all Home Office criteria. We expertly handle the entire application process, meticulously preparing and submitting all necessary documentation.

But our support doesn’t stop at obtaining the license. We provide extensive guidance on complying with sponsorship responsibilities, including essential record-keeping and reporting. Understanding the complexities of immigration laws, our team offers tailored training sessions for your HR staff, enabling efficient management of the sponsor management system. We’re also there for the long haul, assisting with license renewals and adapting to any changes in immigration policies. Acting as a liaison with UK Visas and Immigration, we ensure smooth communication and resolution of any issues. Additionally, our services extend to aiding in recruiting skilled international workers and navigating the nuances of the points-based immigration system. With Fast Track Consultancy, your journey to becoming a licensed sponsor is seamless, compliant, and geared towards leveraging global talent to enhance your business.

Sponsorship License On-going Compliance

Fast Track Consultancy's ongoing compliance service for Sponsorship Licenses ensures your business continuously meets UK immigration laws.

We conduct regular audits, provide up-to-date legal advice, and prepare you for Home Office inspections. Our proactive approach safeguards your license, giving you peace of mind to focus on harnessing global talent.

Sponsorship License Compliance Training

Fast Track Consultancy's Sponsorship License Compliance Training equips your team with the knowledge and skills to navigate the complexities of UK immigration requirements.

Our expert-led training sessions focus on practical understanding and management of sponsorship duties, ensuring your business remains compliant and efficient in employing international talent.

Recruitment and Retention Guidance

Fast Track Consultancy offers Recruitment and Retention Guidance to help businesses effectively navigate the challenges of hiring and maintaining a diverse international workforce.

Our expertise lies in providing strategic advice on attracting top global talent, ensuring compliance with immigration regulations, and implementing best practices for long-term employee retention and satisfaction.

Sponsor License renewals

At Fast Track Consultancy, we specialise in Sponsor License Renewals, streamlining this complex process for your business.

Our team ensures timely and efficient renewal applications, minimising disruptions and maintaining your capability to employ essential international talent without any lapse in compliance.

Supporting in Level 1 User and other duties

Fast Track Consultancy provides indispensable support for Level 1 User and Other Duties associated with your Sponsorship License.

Our service encompasses guidance on managing your license through the Sponsor Management System, ensuring you fulfil all responsibilities effectively, from reporting changes to handling compliance checks, thus safeguarding your sponsorship capabilities.

Global Mobility Visa

Fast Track Consultancy excels in the Global Mobility Visa category, offering comprehensive assistance to businesses and individuals looking to navigate the complexities of global relocation. Our services cater to those seeking to expand their professional horizons by working in the UK, ensuring a smooth transition and compliance with all immigration requirements.

We provide end-to-end support in obtaining Global Mobility Visas, which is ideal for overseas companies transferring staff to the UK or professionals seeking to work in the UK through international agreements. Our expertise covers various visa types under this category, including visas for senior business executives, specialist employees, and training workers.

Our approach includes:

  • Personalized Consultation: Understanding individual or corporate needs to offer tailored
  • Application Processing: Handling all aspects of the visa application, from document preparation to
  • Compliance Guidance: Ensuring that all immigration rules and regulations are met for individuals and their


  • Relocation Support: Offering additional services like finding accommodation, schooling for children, and cultural orientation to ease the transition into life in the

Fast Track Consultancy’s focus on Global Mobility Visas ensures that your journey into the UK workforce or your business’s expansion into the UK market is efficient, compliant, and seamless.

UK Expansion Worker Visa

The UK Expansion Worker Visa category, offered by Fast Track Consultancy, is designed for overseas businesses looking to establish a branch or a subsidiary in the UK. This category is essential for companies intending to transfer senior managers or specialist employees to the UK to facilitate this expansion.

Our services in this category encompass:

  • Eligibility Assessment and Strategy Development: We start by assessing your business’s eligibility and then formulate a strategic plan for the expansion, ensuring alignment with UK immigration
  • Visa Application and Documentation Support: Our team provides expert assistance in preparing and submitting the UK Expansion Worker Visa application, ensuring all documentation meets the stringent requirements of the UK immigration
  • Compliance and Advisory Services: We offer advice on compliance with UK business and immigration regulations, ensuring your expansion is legally sound and


  • Onboarding and Integration Support: Once your employees arrive in the UK, we assist them with integration into the UK business environment, including help with housing, schooling, and other relocation
  • Ongoing Assistance and Renewal Management: Our support continues beyond the initial setup, including assistance with visa renewals, HR advice, and continued compliance checks to ensure your business maintains its legal status in the